Editorial Team
The editorial board consists of renowned researchers from various fields of educational sciences who have been strategically recruited to maintain high quality and the journal’s broad scope of educational research. These board members support the editor and take an active part in the review process by ensuring that the quality of the submitted manuscript is enough for a review process and suggest competent researchers in their respective fields as reviewers.
Shaun Nolan Associate Professor of English and Sociolinguistics, Malmö University My research interests focus on sociolinguistics within educational contexts, exploring the impact of multimodality on language learning and communication, and enhancing teacher research literacy. |
Members of the Editorial Board
Kerstin von Brömssen Professor of Educational Science, University West von Brömssen's research is directed at three different areas within the field of Educational Science. One area focuses on children, youth, migration, learning and teaching in a broad educational sociological perspective. A second area of research consists of studies of religion at the intersection of gender, ethnicity, age and nationality and a third area concerns internationalization in teacher education. |
Cecilia Caiman Senior lecturer in Science Education, Stockholm University My research interests are several; students’ learning and meaning-making in science and sustainability, teacher-researcher collaborations to improve teaching in science and sustainable development, the role of aesthetics, aesthetic activities and creativity processes in science education and finally, to develop methodologies utilized from empirical work, pragmatic theory and post structural perspectives. |
Caroline Graeske Professor of Swedish and Education, Luleå University of Technology My research interest concerns literature didactics, textbooks, learning resources and intersectional perspectives. I also have an interest in designs for learning and practice based research. |
Henrik Gyllstad Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics, Lund University My expertise pertains to language testing and assessment, especially for vocabulary and phraseological applications, and I have a predominant focus on quantitative research methodologies. I also have an interest in bilingual and multilingual teaching and learning contexts, with a specific focus on English as a target language. |
Ole Henrik Hansen Professor of preschool education, Jönköping University My research is focused on the youngest children's learning and development conditions in institutionalized, professional contexts and research into the conditions of families with children and their parenting in welfare societies. My research is investigative of children's well-being in different contexts, their relationships with each other and with the professional adults. |
Maria Hjalmarsson Professor of Educational Work, Karlstad University My research focuses on school-age educare and school-age educare teacher’s task and work, which I have explored through theories on gender, care and educational policy. I conduct research foremost on how profession and work are affected by gender order, changed governance of education and school as well as by performativity. |
Caroline Ljungberg Senior lecturer in Children and Youth Studies, Malmö University My research is primarily oriented towards care ethics, school-age educare and teacher education. The intersections between philosophical, political, pedagogical and everyday-life spheres are of particular interest. The main questions concern how daily-life practices and positioning interact with value systems, cultural norms and political discourses. |
Johan Malmqvist Professor of Education, Linnaeus University Johan Malmqvists’ research is mainly oriented towards special needs education with a strong focus on equity, inclusive education and related issues of segregation and exclusion. This focus relates to an interest in developing knowledge regarding schools’ capacity to meet the various needs among learners with different prerequisites regarding learning and development. See the official webpage for further information
Annika Norlund Shaswar Associate professor of Language Teaching and Learning, Umeå University My research centres on literacy practices and multilingualism in educational domains such as Swedish for immigrants and mother tongue education. I also study language ideologies in relation to linguistic diversity in teacher education. See the official webpage for further information
Mia Porko-Hudd Professor of Sloyd/Craft Education, Åbo Akedemi University My research interest concerns the pedagogic and didactic aspects of crafts, design and technology from pre-primary education to basic education, teacher education and further education. Research in crafts in society and the broad arenas outside formal education where related activities are present are also of interest. |
Frode Rønning Professor of Mathematics and Didactics of Mathematics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Frode Rønning’s research is concentrated on two areas: Language and concept development in mathematics, and undergraduate university mathematics. His research on language and concept development is qualitative classroom research with focus on semiotic representations. In undergraduate mathematics his speciality is engineering education with focus on links between mathematics and the engineering fields. |
Editorial assistants
Alma Lindén Editorial assistant |
Aron Lindhagen Editorial support concerning publication and archiving |