"Vi kallar det skolverkiska" en studie av mötet mellan ett nationellt förbättringsinitiativ och en komplex förskolepraktik

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Maria Olsson
Maria Fredriksson


This study investigates an under-researched Swedish national improvement initiative called “Collaboration for the Best School Possible” (CBS), regarding preschool. The aim of this article was to develop knowledge of preschool teachers’ and head teachers’ conceptions and experiences during the initial phase of CBS. The data are based on semi-structured interviews with 14 preschool professionals. A qualitative content analysis guided by the concept of ideological dilemmas was conducted. The results show imbalances regarding the dilemmas of “a linear logic” versus “a complex practice” and “the top-down governance” versus “the bottom-up influences”. The linear logic for improvements, to which it seemed the preschool professionals had adapted, appears to lack place for complexities. The professionals also appeared subordinated to representatives of National Agency for Education and a specific language use, supposed to be spoken at the agency, “Skolverkiska” as well as a perceived focus on deficiencies. Risks are pointed out for an overly narrow view of the practice in which its conditions are neglected. This article shows the importance of further discussions regarding why, for what and for whom an educational practice needs to be improved.

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How to Cite
Olsson, M., & Fredriksson, M. (2024). "Vi kallar det skolverkiska": en studie av mötet mellan ett nationellt förbättringsinitiativ och en komplex förskolepraktik. Educare, (2), 134–162. https://doi.org/10.24834/educare.2024.2.1117
Received 2023-10-15
Accepted 2024-09-07
Published 2024-09-13


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