Adequate Digital Competence Exploring revisions in the Swedish national curriculum

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Anna-Lena Godhe
Petra Magnusson
Sylvana Sofkova Hashemi


This paper explores how digital competence is conceptualized in recent revisions in the curriculum for Swedish compulsory school. Four themes are identified based on a thematic content analysis of the revisions in the subject descriptions: use of digital tools and media, programming, critical awareness and responsibility. The distribution of the thematic revisions differs among the subjects, but the most dominating theme, permeating all the subjects, concerns the tool-oriented use of digital tools and media. This strong dominance of operational perspective tends to narrow the conceptualization compared to international definitions and frameworks of digital competence.

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How to Cite
Godhe, A.-L., Magnusson, P., & Sofkova Hashemi, S. (2020). Adequate Digital Competence: Exploring revisions in the Swedish national curriculum. Educare, (2), 74–91.
Received 2019-02-19
Accepted 2020-03-09
Published 2020-08-26


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