Likabehandlingsarbete - en reproduktion av rådande maktordning?

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Liselotte Eek-Karlsson
Mattias Lundin
Ann-Christin Torpsten


This project sets out to examine how schools identify their assignment to make school to a place of equality. The research questions address how efforts to counteract discrimination regarding sexual orientation, gender and ethnicity are expressed as well as what power structures that can be identified in this respect. In total, 134 documents from compulsory school in municipalities in southern, mid and northern Sweden are collected. The documents are analyzed using Kumashiro´s (2002) four perspectives to conceptualize and work against oppression. The analysis shows different ways that schools address this assignment. Differences regarding what is identified as problems seems to build different approaches in how the work against oppression becomes visible. Double strategies are described in order to both strengthen and challenge the power structure that is prevalent between the norm carrying group and the group the schools identify as marginalized.

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How to Cite
Eek-Karlsson, L., Lundin, M., & Torpsten, A.-C. (2020). Likabehandlingsarbete - en reproduktion av rådande maktordning?. Educare, (2), 49–73.


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