Lärares iscensättning av stöttning vid nyanlända elevers digitala textproduktion

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Anna Irma Gertrud Hell


Previous studies describe scaffolding as fundamental for newly arrived students to understand and create texts. In this article, scaffolding students’ multilingual palette (the full range of multilingual resources) is vital for their meaning-making. This study aims to make linguistic diversity visible when scaffolding newly arrived students during digital text activities in narrative and retelling text in Swedish as a second language. The following research question guides the study: How do scaffolding processes during digital text activities contribute to opportunities for newly arrived students with varying backgrounds and experiences of the Swedish language to use their multilingual palettes? The data consists of ethnographic fieldwork in three primary schools (year 3), focusing on scaffolding during nine newly arrived students’ text activities. Through an iterative analysis process, scaffolding emerged to have the following functions: 1) to promote multilingualism, 2) to develop textual competence, 3) to support student space. Scaffolding of newly arrived students who did not yet speak Swedish contributed to all students being able to create text within the text types. However, the scaffolding did not support their use of multilingual resources during individual text activities. For students to develop multilingual resources, scaffolding must focus on translanguaging and non-verbal means of expression, even during individual activities. For this, using digital technology is advantageous.

Article Details

How to Cite
Hell, A. I. G. (2022). Lärares iscensättning av stöttning vid nyanlända elevers digitala textproduktion. Educare, (3), 130–159. https://doi.org/10.24834/educare.2022.3.6
Received 2021-12-10
Accepted 2022-04-08
Published 2022-05-13


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