Didaktik modelling illustrated by sustainability teaching arrangements in preschool

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Jesper Sjöström


This paper presents the research behind the formulation of a new didaktik model on waste and material resources in preschool. The research was part of an extensive collaborative R&D programme, involving close to 300 preschool teachers/managers and researchers, to build systematic knowledge on what may characterize teaching in preschool based on scientific grounds and proven experience. The guiding question in this specific study was what it can look like to teach sustainability issues in preschool. The teaching examined in the study was informed by the concept of didaktik as well as by pragmatic theory. Using the methodological approach of abductive analysis, a new didaktik model was designed. This process of generating a new didaktik model is part of didaktik modelling, a focus of the paper.

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How to Cite
Sjöström, J. (2022). Didaktik modelling illustrated by sustainability teaching arrangements in preschool. Educare, (2), 249–280. https://doi.org/10.24834/educare.2022.5.8


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