Att genomföra systematiska barnsamtal — till nytta för hållbarhet i förskolan
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Research in the field of education and teaching for sustainability in preschool has highlighted the importance of communication for knowledge development in the field of sustainability. This article presents a study of the variations that appear in preschool teachers' perceptions of the importance and the experience of having carried out systematic child talks in preschool. The experience is covered by 60 written comments from preschool teachers after they, within a research and development program (R&D program) in the spring of 2022, conducted systematic child talks in the children's groups where they are working. The data has been analysed based on a phenomenographic theoretical perspective. The result of the analysis shows that in the preschool teachers' perceptions of carrying out systematic talks with children, four varying perceptions emerge: Becoming aware of one's own actions; Exciting and educational to discuss with the children about sustainability; Talking with children was difficult; and, Sharing children's thoughts and experiences was the retention. In the preschool teachers' comments, it appears that some of them, through the systematic child talks, have deepened their reflection and their awareness of talking with the children about aspects of sustainability. At the same time, several difficulties are highlighted regarding the task itself and how to ask questions and maintaining children's interest during the talks. Finally, the study indicates that systematic child talks as a method and working tool are not common in preschool, as several preschool teachers point out that they do not talk to the children in this way in everyday life.
Article Details
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2024-06-06
Published 2024-06-08
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