”När allt kan diskuteras kan det gå fel”: Värderingsövningar – en komplex metod i värdegrundsarbete
Main Article Content
This article discusses the method of values clarification (värderingsövningar), a technique comprising various exercises employed in schools and higher education to process diverse themes. While this method is widely used in Sweden, it has recently received critique due to concerns about pupils’ private lives being inadvertently revealed. Given these concerns, we believe it is important to critically investigate this method. The aim of the study is to understand how practitioners perceive their experiences with this method and identify its potential risks and benefits. The results of the phenomenographic study, which are based on group interviews with teachers, drama pedagogues and actors, are presented in this article. The study’s findings are organized into four categories: responsive leadership, group dynamics, forms of conversations and context. The study shows that the method carries inherent risks, such as triggering underlying conflicts within a group, exerting pressure on participants’ integrity, or expecting them to take a stance on various issues, even if they are unprepared to do so. Among these categories, responsive leadership stands out as the most critical element for accomplishing a qualitative application of the method. This involves competence in leading group exercises, understanding the subject processed, and creating an accepting group atmosphere. It also includes the ability to establish frameworks for reflexive dialogues. When used competently, values clarification can enhance participants’ learning of the subject processed, develop group dynamics, facilitate understanding of different perspectives among group members, and support the individual’s subjectification process.
Article Details
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2024-06-22
Published 2024-08-25
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