• Caucasus Studies

    Caucasus Studies is an occasional publications series in the Humanities and Social Sciences with a focus on the Caucasus and neighbouring regions.
  • Current Issues in Migration Research

    Current Issues in Migration Research is a journal established at the Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration (MIM), Sweden, in 2024. Current Issues in Migration Research publishes a wide range of research- and practice-based insights on migration. The journal constitutes a research platform for faculty, practitioners, policy makers and the general public.

  • Educare

    Educare is a peer-reviewed journal established at the Faculty of Education and Society, Malmö University, Sweden in 2005. Since May 2023, Educare is published by Malmö University Press and is indexed by DOAJ. Educare publishes a wide range of research in education and educational sciences with particular interest in the Nordic region. The journal constitutes a research forum for faculty, practitioners and policy makers.

  • Glocal Times

    Adding to the development of an international community of academics and practitioners, Glocal Times aims at becoming an indispensable digital reference and a vivid forum for the discussion and dissemination of issues concerning communication for development and social change.

  • Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

    Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (JoTL) aims to spread and support the growth and development of knowledge about learning and teaching at Malmö University. The journal is an e-journal that is reviewed editorially and is available according to the open access principle.

  • Skrifter från Malmö universitetsbibliotek

    En plattform för publicering av rapporter från Malmö universitetsbibliotek. I skriftserien publiceras rapporter från projekt och utredningar genomförda vid, av eller i samarbete med Malmö universitetsbibliotek.

    Fler publikationer (t.ex. konferenspapers, posters, tidskriftsartiklar eller äldre projektrapporter) från Malmö universitetsbibliotek finns publicerade i det institutionella arkivet DiVA.

  • Verksamhetsberättelser från Malmö universitetsbibliotek

    Här hittar du Malmö universitetsbiblioteks verksamhetsberättelser.